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Employees Make a Global Impact Through Volunteer Efforts

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KBR employees in the Leatherhead, UK office formed a team to participate in Walk All Over Cancer
KBR’s Birmingham, Alabama office participated in The Exception Foundation’s Annual Chili Cook-Off
Employees Advance KBR’s Environmental Mission
KBR Celebrates Apollo 11 Anniversary with Boys and Girls Club
Technology Team Supports Indian Armed Forces
Houston based employees participated in the National MS Society’s MS 150

As a global corporate citizen, we believe it is our duty to better our local communities beyond the professional services we provide. Volunteering and giving back to the community are pillars of KBR’s company culture and recently KBR employees around the globe have partaken in a number of philanthropic initiatives to help those in need.

Stepping Toward a Cure for Cancer

In March, KBR employees in the Leatherhead, UK office formed a team to participate in Walk All Over Cancer, a fundraising initiative in support of Cancer Research UK, a research and awareness charity aimed at reducing the number of deaths from cancer. The challenge was for each team member to walk 10,000 steps every day totaling approximately 150 miles by the end of the month.

The team battled through adverse weather conditions, illnesses and injuries to complete their step goal. By the end of the challenge, the total step count was well over 13 million steps. In addition, the team raised £7,468 (USD $9,747) for Cancer Research UK which will go toward helping scientists and doctors conduct cancer research.

At the conclusion of the challenge, individual awards for fundraising and steps walked were presented to employees. Congratulations to Nicola Chang for raising the most money for Cancer Research UK at £865 (USD $1,129) and Nereo Giavazzio for walking the most steps throughout the challenge, averaging 17,237 steps a day. Giavazzio said, “I’m really happy to have won but the most important thing is the amount of money we raised!”

Volunteers Cook-off for a Good Cause

For the thirteenth consecutive year, KBR’s Birmingham, Alabama office participated in The Exception Foundation’s Annual Chili Cook-Off on March 2. The Exceptional Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in 1993 that supports approximately 450 mentally and physically challenged adults and children in the Birmingham area each year. The 15th annual cook-off raised an estimated $450,000 for the foundation.

With 152 teams competing, KBR’s “Chili Krewe” finished in second place in the Spirit Competition for their carnival themed decorations and attire.

The Chili Krewe could not have succeeded without the contributions and support from the team members and offered up a special thanks to the chefs, decorators and other helpers who assisted in cooking, serving and setting up the booth.

Employees Advance KBR’s Environmental Mission

Giving back to the communities in which we live and work also includes supporting our local wildlife and ecosystems. KBR Poland employees and their families gathered together on the morning of April 13 to plant trees in a forest near Jaromierz, Poland.

The group paired with Knieja Hunting Club to plant spruce trees which will serve as future natural habitats for forest animals and other wildlife.

“Each year my family supports environmental campaigns, and this year I thought it would be a great idea to get my KBR Poland colleagues involved,” said Katarzyna Wojtynowska, HSE Manager. “I hope that ‘growing a forest’ will become a regular event in our office and that more of our employees continue to join us. Together, we can do more.”

KBR Celebrates Apollo 11 Anniversary with Boys and Girls Club

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, KBR’s Government Solutions business unit recently hosted a “Hands on NASA’s Future” event with a local STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Boys and Girls Club in Huntsville, AL. Students ate pizza and joined in decorating model rockets that will be displayed at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville for the anniversary later this year.

Todd May, Sr. Vice President, Government Solutions U.S., gave opening remarks at the event and spoke about rockets and space exploration. He said, “We were proud to sponsor this event and remain committed to STEM education. The Apollo 11 mission was fueled by imagination and education. We want to inspire tomorrow’s astronauts, scientists and engineers to dream big like those who were behind the first moon landing,” May continued.

IMPACT Saudi Leads Blood Donation Effort

Members of KBR’s young professionals group in Saudi Arabia put on their 4th annual Blood Donation Campaign at King Fahd Specialist Hospital in Dammam. The event was once again a huge success as the campaign received 64 donations total over two days.

A special thank you to the team at King Fahd Specialist Hospital, members of the Saudi IMPACT chapter and all volunteers for facilitating the event.

Technology Team Supports Indian Armed Forces

KBR has a long and proud history of volunteering with and supporting veterans and their families in countries around the world. In India, Members of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee recently made contributions to charitable organizations Bhart Ke Veer (BKV) and the National Defence Fund (NDF). BKV and NDF are Armed Forces Welfare Funds that are managed by the Government of India for the benefit and betterment of the Indian Armed Forces veterans and their families.

KBR contributed approximately INR 4,799,476.65 (USD $67,866) in total to both organizations. The India team has also supported other organizations in association with the Indian government, including the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund in the past two years which was created to provide support for people affected by natural and manmade disasters.

KBR Cycling Team Bikes 150 Miles to Combat MS

Houston based employees participated in the National MS Society’s MS 150, a 150-mile bike ride to raising awareness and money toward finding a cure to multiple sclerosis. The weekend-long trek showcased more than 9,000 riders who biked from Houston, Texas to Austin, Texas. Team KBR was one of 400 teams and have so far raised more than $43,000 for the National MS Society.

“We are thankful for the continued support from KBR in participating in this fundraising event,” said Frank Richter, Team KBR co-captain. “Team KBR has been recognized for raising over $500,000 in recent years for research. As a result of the research, there are more than 16 FDA approved treatments that allow those afflicted to lead more normal lives. All of us on Team KBR are grateful for being able to indirectly have a life-altering impact on peoples’ lives.”

KBR has participated in the 150 mile ride since its inception in 1985.

Houston Employees Create Memorable Night for Local Sunshine Kids

The annual Sunshine Kids Spring Prom Party Palooza is an event to give teenaged cancer patients and their families an evening of dressing to impress, food and live entertainment. KBR employees, along with the host, the University of Texas MD Anderson Children’s Cancer Hospital, helped create a special night of fun for the patients and their families.

Several weeks prior to attending Spring Prom, employees at KBR’s headquarters in Downtown Houston held a bingo to help fundraise for the event. Employees raised more than $2,800 in a little over an hour.

“A special thank you to all of our volunteers who joined us in making Spring Prom such a memorable night for our young people,” said Cindy Mixon, KBR volunteer group member. “We’re proud to continue to partner with the Sunshine Kids and help support pediatric cancer patients and their families who carry tremendous weight on their shoulders.”

KBR employees around the world are proud to give back to their local communities. We applaud all of our employees and teams who have contributed time and energy in order to help those in need and embodying the charitable values of our company culture.

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