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New Horizons with KBR, featuring Suketu Guhya - Senior Project Manager - Engineering

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Suketu New Horizons

Suketu Guhya has always believed that international experiences help you grow, both personally and professionally, which is why he’s always been open to moving for work. Fortunately, he landed at KBR 16 years ago and has been able to live that belief out loud.

“I’ve had the opportunity to travel a lot in my time with KBR, working across four different continents,” Suketu said. “Even tougher assignments earlier in my career provided learning opportunities — and interesting vacation time! From my experience, when you put yourself in an uncomfortable or unfamiliar situation, you really develop and improve your potential, which is why I’ve always been open to moving.”

And move he has — from Nigeria, to Houston, to India, and eventually back to Houston with additional stops in between. With each move came a new list of logistics to tackle. But helping him face challenges every step of the way was KBR Global Mobility.

“Hands down the logistics leading up to and then the physical move itself are the biggest challenges,” he said. “But KBR Global Mobility really helps smooth the processes. Then, once you’ve embraced the move and started to look forward to all the things that come with it, you can really start to love the whole experience.”

With his moves have come a lot of memorable moments: a safari holiday in Tanzania, visiting the Gold Coast and seeing the Great Barrier Reef, accidentally eating an American pepperoni pizza as a vegetarian (and loving it!). Eventually, Suketu says he’d like the opportunity to lead a project or head up a new office and help the business grow. But true to form, he stays ready for whatever opportunity KBR brings his way. His advice to anyone thinking of doing the same:

“Travel, see and meet different people, and network. I believe everyone should do at least one relocation job during their career. This will really help you grow!”

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