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Leaving a Legacy of Innovation — KBR Dedicates Cyber Lab to Lt. General Vincent R. Stewart, USMC (Ret.)

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Late last year, KBR dedicated the innovation lab at the Columbia Gateway, Maryland office to Lt. General Vincent R. Stewart, USMC (Ret.), one of our board members who recently passed away. The innovation lab honors Lt. General Stewart’s legacy and contributions to the country and KBR.

Lt. General Stewart retired from the United States Marine Corps on April 5, 2019, after nearly four decades of service. He served as Deputy Commander at the United States Cyber Command from 2017 to 2019 and as the 20th Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency from 2015 to 2017. He is the first African American, Jamaican American, and Marine Corps officer to hold that position.

The Lt. General Vincent R. Stewart Innovation Center plays a pivotal role in KBR’s commitment to keeping our nation safe from cyber and long-term existential threats. “It is our hope that this lab honors the invaluable contributions that Lt. General Vincent Stewart made to the United States,” said Derrick Nixon, Vice President of KBR’s Defense Systems Engineering (DSE) business unit.

The Stewart family and several KBR employees, including KBR Chairman of the Board General Lester Lyles, USAF (Ret.), Senior Vice President Mark Kavanaugh and Vice President Derrick Nixon of the Defense Systems Engineering business unit and Senior Vice President of Defense & Intel (Ret.) Pete Green attended the event. Derrick Nixon served as the event’s host and emcee. General Lyles spoke eloquently about Stewart and his indelible impact on KBR and anyone he met. “Vince was a friend, a trailblazer, a mentor, and so much more to those around him and those that wanted to make a difference,” said Lyles.

Mrs. Stewart also shared fond words and wonderful memories highlighting the importance of family - what it meant to her husband and how they’re managing now that he’s gone. To everyone who attended the event, the highlight of the day was when Vincent Stewart’s granddaughters stood up to address the audience and sang the family’s favorite song, an ode to the United States Marines.

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