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Camp Bondsteel Serves as Powerful Example of KBR Values

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Camp Bondsteel 3

KBR’s longest-running mission supporting the U.S. Army in Europe is at Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo, which is part of the Logistics Civil Augmentation Program, better known as LOGCAP. In 1999, KBR worked alongside the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Navy Seabees to build Camp Bondsteel under the Balkans Support Contract, and KBR has been supporting Camp Bondsteel as the prime contractor since that time. In late July, Stuart Bradie, KBR president and CEO, visited Camp Bondsteel and toured the installation with Mike Flanagan, vice president of operations for LOGCAP, and his team.  

“Camp Bondsteel is our largest and longest-running LOGCAP location, and it is important to the U.S. military,” said Bradie. “The team at Bondsteel is incredibly talented and performs an impressive range of duties to support LOGCAP.”  

KBR provides a full spectrum of base operations and essential services such as power generation, firefighting, water purification and distribution, custodial services, movement control, food services, and transportation. The KBR LOGCAP team also provides master planning and construction for Camp Bondsteel as well as maintenance and operations of military equipment.  

According to the U.S. Army, Camp Bondsteel is an essential command and supply hub for U.S. and select coalition forces in support of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) operations.  

For the Camp Bondsteel team, KBR’s focus on sustainability is central to their drive toward efficiency and innovation, including reducing the carbon footprint of the installation through composting programs and wastewater recycling programs. 

“Our Camp Bondsteel team is made of primarily Kosovar local nationals,” said Flanagan. “They have a genuine commitment to helping the U.S. meet its mission here and see their work as not only helping the Army but also their native Kosovo. It’s hard to overstate the importance of Camp Bondsteel in bringing stability and economic recovery to the area in the aftermath of war.”  

The team’s commitment to the mission is clear in its ingenuity and resourcefulness. Throughout the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Kosovo Force, known as KFOR, was sometimes called the “forgotten battalion.” With defense spending focused on the Middle East, the Camp Bondsteel team had to minimize expenditures and maximize efficiencies to keep the installation running smoothly, maintain equipment, and ensure this essential Eastern European hub could meet its readiness requirements.  

Camp Bondsteel’s readiness became pivotal in 2021 following the collapse of the Afghan government, and then again in early 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine.  

KBR employees at Camp Bondsteel embraced the KBR “Team of Teams” values and worked around the clock with other teams in the U.S. and Europe to ensure that KBR could support the Operation Allies Welcome mission by providing vital infrastructure to tens of thousands of Afghan migrants as the U.S. government processed their Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applications.  

When Russia invaded Ukraine, the U.S. began sending aid and reallocating troops and supplies around Europe to ensure stability and prepare for the defense of NATO should the conflict spill over borders. The Camp Bondsteel team worked diligently to support EUCOM as it responded to the escalating security situation in Europe and remains an important installation to the EUCOM mission.  

“Camp Bondsteel is a unique jewel in KBR’s portfolio,” said Betim Osmani, senior operations manager for LOGCAP. “When I started working for KBR in Kosovo in 1999, the sense of purpose and commitment to the mission was a driving force for the team. Think about how many teams can keep up that kind of passion and commitment for over two decades. Camp Bondsteel continues to be a shining example of KBR’s values: delivering for our customers, supporting KBR’s Team of Teams, and striving to do what’s right for our planet and our communities.”  

Before the emergence of corporate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) frameworks, KBR’s team at Camp Bondsteel was already making strides in sustainability. In mid-2003, KBR implemented a composting operation using a conventional open-air methodology to reduce the volume of solid waste that required removal. The program was so successful that the team modernized the composting operation in 2005 and has been continually improving and refining the process since that time. The team also implemented a wastewater recycling program that reduced the environmental impact of the installation and lowered operating costs.  

“KBR employs over 750 local nationals, which has helped alleviate high unemployment since the end of the war in 1999,” said Flanagan. “KBR has also provided on-the-job training, mentoring and development which has led to hundreds of Kosovars traveling globally to continue supporting the U.S. military with base operations and logistics.” 

In July, KBR’s LOGCAP leadership was invited to meet with mayors of local towns surrounding Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo, who expressed their gratitude to KBR for working closely with local communities to provide training and job opportunities. KBR and local leaders discussed strategies for engaging local universities and schools to provide hands-on training for Kosovars at Camp Bondsteel.  

“This was my first visit to Camp Bondsteel,” said Bradie. “I’m thankful for the opportunity to see the work our team does in Kosovo, and I’m thrilled to see so many of our KBR values in action. The Camp Bondsteel team lives the Zero Harm ethos every day, and I’m exceptionally proud of their stellar safety record. Their commitment to our customer’s mission is unwavering, and I’m so impressed by the depth and breadth of talent we have at Camp Bondsteel.”   

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