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KBR Leadership Inspires Employees During Visit to India Operations

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KBR Leadership and Board Delhi Town Hall
KBR Leadership and Board Delhi Town Hall
KBR Leadership and Board Delhi Office
KBR Leadership and Board Delhi Office
Chennai Town Hall
Chennai ASPIRE

KBR’s Executive Leadership Team and Board of Directors recently visited KBR’s operations in Guragon, India which was preceded by a stop in Chennai for President and CEO Stuart Bradie.

On 17 October, Stuart Bradie addressed the employees in Chennai in a town hall and toured the offices alongside Ulysses Goree, Vice President, Chennai Operating Center. This was followed by a meet and greet with Chennai’s young professionals from the Impact and Aspire chapters. The audience were encouraged to ask questions with the ‘CEO who gets it’ and a lively and interactive session followed.

Following the Chennai visit, KBR’s full Executive Leadership Team and Board of Directors held a town hall for the employees of KBR’s India Technology Centre at Guragon (ITCg) and Pune (ITCp) on October 23. The town hall also coincided with ITC’s 10 year anniversary. The town hall started with a lamp lighting, a tradition before starting any auspicious event or ritual in this part of the world. Lamp lighting signifies leading from darkness to light, wisdom and knowledge.

After brief speeches by Subas Das, Managing Director, ITC, and Doug Kelly, President, Technology Solutions, Stuart Bradie delivered his town hall speech followed by Q&A for more than 45 minutes. KBR’s 230 employees in Gurgaon and 50 in Pune had many questions  – showing the level of interest and appreciation in the leadership team’s visit to Guragon.

Avijit Ashesh, Sr. Technical Professional - Piping, said, “It was a privilege and honor to be a part of this historic event, which was packed with optimism and positivity. As KBR completes its centenary, Stuart’s message on the auspicious occasion rang clear, that is – KBR as a team has delivered a hundred years of service to mankind through excellence and innovation which has contributed to a proud history. It’s great to work with an organization with such a clear vision and mission.”

Deepak Bisht, Designer, said, “KBR is an institute of motivational and supporting leaders and dedicated employees. It’s an honor and privilege to be part of such a great organization that deeply cares about its employees and their cultures.”

Employees left the event feeling motivated and inspired by the vision set forth by the leadership team for KBR in 2020 and beyond.

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