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KBR Technology Continues to Expand Portfolio

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KBR’s Technology business unit has added a number of significant technologies to its portfolio. These technologies exemplify KBR’s ability to deliver innovative, reliable and commercially-proven solutions for refining, petrochemical, and ammonia markets, further cementing KBR’s position as a leader in the industry.

Last December, KBR announced the development of its new propane dehydrogenation (PDH) technology, K-PRO™. K-PRO™ is based on the process know-how and experience with KBR’s catalytic olefins technology (K-COT™), paired with a novel high selectivity, low-cost, dehydrogenation catalyst that does not require the use of precious metals or chromium.

Plants based on this new technology can be designed as standalone on-purpose propylene production units independent of a steam cracker or an FCC unit, or can be integrated with these units. In addition, existing PDH operating units can be easily modified to benefit from the superior reaction section process performance and a lower operating cost. The significant capital cost and operating cost benefits of K-PRO™ solidify KBR’s reputation as a pioneer in fluidized catalytic process technology.

Depositphotos_5451502_original KBR’s K-PROTM technology is based on processing know-how and experience with KBR’s catalytic olefins technology.

KBR also continues to strengthen its position in the alkylation market. In January, KBR secured a contract with Wynnewood Refining Company, LLC for engineering and design services relating to KBR’s Solid Acid Alkylation Technology (K-SAAT™) for Wynnewood’s refinery located in Wynnewood, Oklahoma. Unlike traditional refinery alkylation technologies that utilize concentrated liquid acid, KBR’s unique K-SAAT™ process produces alkylates by combining light olefins and isobutane using a solid catalyst that provides octane, yield and operating cost benefits and avoids complex acid handling and maintenance costs. KBR will provide Wynnewood with the opportunity to utilize the revolutionary technology to revamp the existing hydrofluoric acid (HF) alkylation unit at their refinery.

In addition, the use of finely engineered KBR ExSact catalyst makes the KBR K-SAATTM process considerably more reliable and safe while greatly reducing the capital and operating costs associated with traditional liquid and solid acid processes.

K-SAAT™ has received significant interest from global refiners since it was first introduced and even more so since the first unit was commissioned in China earlier last year. K-SAAT™ technology reflects KBR’s commitment to providing innovative technologies that give our customers a competitive edge in attractive markets around the world.

K-SAAT graphic KBR’s K-SAATTM process produces alkylates by combining light olefins and isobutane using a solid catalyst that provides octane, yield and cost benefits.

KBR is not only adding new technologies to their portfolio but also continuously advancing its existing technologies. Since the 1960s, KBR has licensed and engineered more than 235 ammonia plants worldwide, and the company recently broadened its ammonia processing footprint by announcing the addition of a single-stream, 6000 MTPD ammonia plant using its Purifier™ technology. Ammonia 6000™ expands single-stream capacities beyond the typical 2700 MTPD threshold to more than 6000 MTPD using the same proven and highly reliable design used in more than 33 of KBR’s Purifier™-based plants worldwide. This unique technology option helps plant owners exploit attractive economies of scale, lower the plant’s environmental footprint, ensure safety, increase margins and significantly reduce cost per ton of ammonia produced.

The Purifier™ ammonia process has a low energy consumption of 6.27 Gcal (LHV)/MT that is unmatched by other technologies. The KBR Purifier™ design further greatly reduces safety risks as it does not use an oxygen-fired ATR, which has been identified as a contributing factor in plant explosions caused by mishandling of oxygen or malfunction of pure oxygen compressors and pumps.

story-1449 - Copy KBR has licensed and engineered more than 235 ammonia plants around the world and continues to be at the forefront of innovation in the industry.

“These three innovative technologies ­are making a great impact on the industry and are a strong part of KBR’s global portfolio,” said John Derbyshire, KBR President, Technology. “With these technologies, KBR delivers great benefits to our clients – lower installed costs, lower energy consumption, superior environmental performance and high-quality output.”

The KBR Technology group has seen strong overall growth, including a double-digit organic growth rate on a year-over-year basis. The introduction of these new technologies, including KBR’s unique and storied technology portfolio, have been a driving force behind the recent success.

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