


KBR Hosts Investor Day and Celebrates Strategic Achievements at New York Stock Exchange

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KBR leaders recently visited the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to speak to the investment and financial community about the company's strategic progress over the past three years and to mark the tenth anniversary of KBR's initial public offering on the stock exchange. To celebrate, KBR President and CEO Stuart Bradie, along with other members of KBR's Executive Leadership Team, visited the NYSE floor and rang the famous bell to mark the close of trading for the day.

At the Investor Day event Bradie and other​ KBR senior leaders gave presentations articulating and interpreting the company's financial and strategic shift, demonstrating KBR's progress in meeting the goals previously set, as well as discussing the vision going forward. As part of the pres​entations, investors heard about the company's progress in achieving its vision to become a leading global provider in technology, engineering, construction and government services, creating exceptional value for employees, shareholders and clients.

Specifically, Bradie and other KBR leaders walked through the details of how KBR intends to maximize its differentiation, attain operational excellence, and achieve customer success and financial strength in order to realize stable, balanced and sustainable growth; attractive and consistent cash flow; and capitalize on break out growth potential.

KBR's Executive Leadership Team recently held an Investor Day for market analysts at the NYSE. As KBR continues building on the strategic plan laid out in 2014, an essential component for continued success is devoting greater emphasis to financial planning and advocacy to the investment community. These targeted efforts are meant to further the market's grasp of the KBR of today, a multi-faceted professional services and technology company, with the unique capabilities to provide exceptional project delivery and service across the full life-cycle of projects and programs in both the government and hydrocarbons markets. With the life-cycle strategy, KBR engages with customers early in the project concept stage as an advisor and continues on through project definition, delivery and ultimately continued operations service, allowing for strong customer engagement in every step.

"Over the past three years we have worked hard to establish ourselves anew in the marketplace, while maintaining a commitment to our mission: to safely deliver any project, any time, in any environment for the benefit of our customers, employees, shareholders and the communities we serve," said Bradie.

"We have taken pivotal actions which have positioned the company to successfully execute our strategy and grow earnings in the long-term, from strategic acquisitions expanding our government services offering, technology portfolio, and our industrial maintenance capabilities, as well as resolving a number of legacy and commercial issues. Going forward, KBR aims to grow profits, strengthen our business acumen and build a high performance culture. With proper execution, this strategy will lead to customer affinity and growth with a predictable and balanced financial portfolio, profitability and cash flow, creating value for our customers, employees and shareholders."

Bradie continued, "As we look ahead, I am confident that we are strongly positioned for new and exciting opportunities. I am proud of all that we have accomplished thus far and I look forward to future success working together as OneKBR."

Just over ten years ago KBR launched its initial public offering at the NYSE, a milestone event in the company's 100-plus year history. Today, KBR celebrates ten years of independent history as we continue to build toward the bright future ahead.

In 2006 a KBR banner hung from the NYSE to commemorate KBR's first public stock trade, marking the milestone of KBR becoming a publicly traded company.

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