


KBR Helps Deliver New Digital Integration to Support International Fight Against Crime

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Forensics Digital Integration

A KBR-supported UK Policing transformation programme has helped to deliver ground-breaking digital integration that will help identify foreign criminals, solve serious crimes, and protect the public across the UK and European Union.

As delivery partner on Transforming Forensics (TF), KBR is helping advance and coordinate forensic capabilities that offer better services to the UK criminal justice system and improve public safety.

TF, working in partnership with other national organisations including the Police Digital Service (PDS), has successfully delivered digital integration of an automated fingerprint system on behalf of the UK International Crime Bureau (UKICB), part of the UK’s National Crime Agency.

Integration will enable the UKICB to retrieve fingerprints quickly and efficiently, as part of the international Prüm Provision agreement. The agreement supports data exchange and cooperation in law enforcement between member countries, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime.

The integration is technically enabled though Xchange, a unique new national digital platform for forensics developed for UK Policing by TF. Hosted in the cloud, Xchange connects agencies to each other safely and securely, enabling them to share services, data and information faster, and giving them easy access to new digital forensics tools.

The UKICB is the first service to go live on the platform and will be followed by an end-to-end national digital fingerprint capability and a document sharing service to support police forces in their approach to quality management and accreditation.

“We’re delighted to support TF and the wider UK law enforcement family in delivering this digital integration which we know will have a real impact on crime and safety across the whole of Europe,” said Andrew Barrie, President, KBR Government Solutions EMEA. “This is a great example of genuine innovation and true collaboration between agencies across the public and private sectors. Together we’re creating tangible benefits and lasting value for the public.”

KBR has been a delivery partner on TF since 2017. TF has developed a number of strategic assets for UK policing including Xchange; the Forensic Capability Network, a national network for forensics; and the Digital Forensic Science Strategy, which guides and underpins digital forensic science activity right across the Criminal Justice System in the UK.

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