


KBR Employee Receives Prestigious Honor from U.S. Secretary of State

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Rick Reulecke has a very limited edition coin.
On behalf of KBR, Reulecke, the Air Operations Manager at Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti, received a U.S. Department of State coin from Secretary of State John Kerry as part of a special presidential recognition ceremony at the camp. Reulecke was the only civilian among the seven recipients presented with this honor.
“It was such an honor to receive this award on behalf of KBR,” Reulecke said. “Our men and women here work hard every day to ensure that the military personnel are well taken care of. We deliver on our promise to serve those who serve us.”

Rick Reulecke’s special coin presented by John Kerry.
KBR’s air operations at Camp Lemonnier received this distinction based on an award nomination written by U.S. Navy Commander Tom Tueschl, the N3 Operations officer at Camp Lemonnier. Tueschl recommended that Reulecke accept the honor on KBR’s behalf.
“This joint U.S. Navy military and KBR Base Operating Support team led by Rick directly supported the safe and efficient handling of 9,550 U.S. military aircraft and the movement of 19.7 million pounds of cargo and 11,479 passengers in support of combating violent extremism while operating in an austere working environment,” Tueschl wrote. “Over the past 12 months, he has ensured that his team of KBR personnel provided outstanding customer service and exceptional mission accomplishment.”
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry visited Camp Lemonnier for the presentation and personally presented the coin to Reulecke. Clearly, the words that Tueschl wrote about KBR’s successful operations in Djibouti resonated with the secretary because Kerry was able to recite them back to Reulecke.

Rick Reulecke received a special U.S. Department of State coin from Secretary of State John Kerry.
“He complimented me and the air operations for a job well done as he cited what I recognized to be the movement totals for the previous year,” Reulecke said. “He finished by saying, ‘It's apparent that you have a sharp mind for logistics; the numbers are impressive – job well done.’”
Ella Studer, Vice President, Operations, said that she is proud that Reulecke and his team were recognized for the work they perform.
“From parking, unloading and loading, scheduling, manifesting and processing personnel and cargo, Rick and the team do the mission with pride and professionalism,” Studer said. “I am very honored to have each and every one of the folks on the KBR team that delivers the highest customer satisfaction every day in one of the harshest environments we ask our personnel to work in.”
Reulecke has served as Air Operations Manager in Djibouti for the last six years, four of them with KBR. Over the duration of his career, Reulecke has 21 years of experience in the air operations field. His extensive service in air operations coupled with a dedication to detail proves that Reulecke and KBR deliver on our promises.

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