


KBR Celebrates Zero Harm Day 2018

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KBR employees recently participated in the third annual Zero Harm Day celebration on February 21. Zero Harm is KBR's commitment to being an incident-free organization at all offices and project sites around the globe. As a global corporate citizen, we believe we have a responsibility to the people and communities in which we live and work which is why safety is a core value at KBR. KBR always strives to foster a safety culture in both workplace environments and among each of our employees," said Nick Anagnostou, Vice President, HSSE.

"Zero Harm Day is a great tool to promote safety as a core value. I have seen our progress first-hand, and I could not be prouder of the work we have accomplished over the last three years in moving toward our goal of Zero Harm." Despite time zone differences, KBR employees from over 30 different locations around the world joined in this year's Zero Harm Day festivities. Each office or project site had its own unique celebration or event to recognize the importance of exhibiting sound safety habits. Many offices teamed up with local vendors and partners to provide safety and wellness education, while others signed commitment banners and displayed them throughout their offices. Employees sent in pictures and videos of their celebrations commemorating this year's theme: Recognition, Reflection, and Focus.

To view images from celebrations around the world please visit our Global Zero Harm Day 2018 Facebook Album.

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