


KBR Advisory Consulting Business Wins Big in Q1 2021

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KBR's team in Singapore supports the future of energy transition with global knowledge, experience and expertise. (Photo: 2019)
Jay Ibrahim, KBR President – Sustainable Technology Solutions

KBR’s Advisory Consulting business is a leading voice in the areas of decarbonization and energy transition for governments and companies around the world. If first quarter performance in 2021 is any indication, that voice is growing stronger.

Advisory Consulting achieved an outstanding level of success in Q1, boasting nearly 50 contract wins with an impressive mix of repeat awards, exciting opportunities with new customers in new locations, and a growing breadth of work.

“The remarkable cadence of new opportunities for the Advisory Consulting business is indicative of both the global step change around climate and environmental issues and of KBR’s growing reputation in the crucial areas of decarbonization and energy transition,” said Jay Ibrahim, KBR President – Sustainable Technology Solutions. “Advisory Consulting’s success is another tremendous example of KBR doing what we set out to do — executing on our strategic vision with excellence, winning work in differentiated areas, and helping customers meet their sustainability goals.”

The years since the Paris Agreement have been a watershed in the global push to combat climate change. In the past two years alone, billions of dollars have been invested in low-carbon infrastructure and technologies. More than 2,100 of the world’s largest corporations have committed to achieving United Nations targets of net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner. And two-thirds of global GDP is currently generated by economies with net-zero targets in place.

As the race to stem the tide of climate change has built momentum, demand for Advisory Consulting’s world-class services has grown, with more and more governments and companies relying on the world-class team’s deep technical domain expertise and comprehensive understanding of today’s market and technology trends. The four dozen awards from Q1 2021 show the range of that expertise, from dynamic simulations, to feasibility studies, to technical assessments, to secondments with customers’ senior management. They also reveal the depth of our customers’ trust in us. Many of these awards were won in part based on KBR’s strong legacy of successfully delivering studies for major customers over the past three decades.

In addition to these wins, our experts are also busy helping world governments and companies implement decarbonization strategies, reduce emissions and build roadmaps for transitions to cleaner, more sustainable energy economies using ammonia and hydrogen. This includes our work to help develop policy objectives and facilitating government-to-government cooperation for energy transition projects around the world as an advisory member of associations such as Japan’s Clean Ammonia Fuel Consortium and the Ammonia Fuels Association.

“Sustainability is one of the key drivers of our strategic focus and an area to which we are fully committed,” said Ibrahim. “By continuing to pursue strategic opportunities through the Advisory Consulting business, KBR is poised to meet the rising demand for sustainable solutions and to lead the way to new clean energy economies.”

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