
Press Release


Johan Sverdrup Topsides Successfully Sails-away

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KBR, in a joint venture with Kvaerner (K2JV), successfully delivered a Utilities and Living Quarters (ULQ) Platform Topsides in the Johan Sverdrup development in the Norwegian North Sea this week. The ULQ platform was completed on time and on budget and the platform sailed away from the Kvaerner Stord yard in Norwary on March 20. When the platform reaches its destination, it will be located on the Utsira Height in the North Sea, 95 miles off Stavanger, Norway, and will serve as the field center for the Johan Sverdrup development.



Supported by its Jakarta office and Kvaerner, KBR led the detailed engineering, design and procurement scope for the utility module upon signing the contract with Equinor (formerly Statoil). The accommodation module was subcontracted to Apply Leirvik.


The complete Topsides was assembled at Kvaerner's Stord yard with KBR providing engineering and procurement support during the construction and mechanical completion phase. In addition, KBR was actively engaged in helping Equinor meet its targets of onshore commissioning and early habitat of platform offshore.

The ULQ Topsides will accommodate up to 560 personnel working at the Johan Sverdrup field making it the largest offshore living quarters ever constructed. The platform will also provide the facilities to support all field production control and monitoring activities, a significant element of the site.



"The entire Johan Sverdrup team was phenomenal in all phases of the project and final delivery," said Sandeep Sharma, Project Deputy Director. "The sail-away ceremony was a tremendous experience to be a part of as all parties joined in celebration to signify a job well done.

"This success can be attributed to the project team at K2JV and Equinor working to meet common objectives and goals – deliver a best-in-class project with no carryover work offshore whilst meeting all milestones of schedule throughout until sail-away and within budget," Sharma continued. "This has been made possible by the culture of cooperation and collaboration led form the top management down to grassroots levels."

"I am proud that KBR, working as a joint venture with Kvaerner, has been so influential in this ground breaking field development for Equinor," said Stuart Bradie, KBR President and CEO. He continued, "To have completed this project to very high standards of quality, on time, on budget and with no serious incidents is a testament to the highly skilled teams at KBR, Kvaerner, Leirvik and Equinor that worked collaboratively throughout the project execution."


From acquisition to project completion, KBR today remains an industry-leading force in offshore capabilities and committed to delivering projects on time, under budget and incident-free.

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