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KBR’s Combat Water System Successfully Deployed at Sapper Games

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Since 2018, KBR has been working with the UK Ministry of Defence to design, manufacture, supply and maintain the Combat Water Supply System (CWSS), with the aim of delivering potable and palatable water to deployed UK forces. So far, 43 modular systems have been delivered, including a fresh system used for the purification of contaminated fresh water and a modular reverse osmosis system for saline or sea water. 

A new CWSS designed and supplied by KBR was successfully used at this year’s Sapper Games, an annual event that brings together members of the UK Armed Forces to compete in various sporting activities at Brompton Barracks in Kent.

The CWSS was used to supply drinking water and bulk water for the shower and toilet facilities for over 3,500 competitors and spectators from units within the Corps of Royal Engineers during the 3-day event. 

Prior to the Sapper Games, the modular system had only been used by the UK’s Ministry of Defence for training and exercises. This event was a real test of the system’s ability to produce sufficient volumes of water for large deployments.  

Sustainability at the Core of Water Delivery 

The CWSS reflects KBR’s core value of sustainability by utilising the latest technology and equipment to provide UK troops with a sustainable water supply at the point of operation to standards safe enough for human consumption – a critical capability for UK land forces. The system drastically reduces reliance on bottled water, lessening the environmental impact and logistic support while prioritizing the health and hygiene of service members. 

The generator-powered systems can produce water within three hours of being set up and can operate in temperatures ranging from minus 32 degrees Celsius to plus 49 degrees Celsius.

This sustainable system not only provides 6,000 litres of fresh drinking water per hour from any raw water source but can collect, store, process, treat and distribute the water. The system utilises modern touch screen interfaces with simple designs to allow users to manage the complex processing plant with ease. These systems are versatile and can be linked to provide larger volumes of production for large camps by using multiple generators running on a synchronised panel. By doing this, it helps balance the load, reduce fuel consumption, and maximise power sharing across the systems.

KBR is proud to support our client wherever we can, and the Sapper Games is an excellent example of our close relationship in delivery, equipment and support.

Watch more about the event and CWSS here.


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