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KBR Helping Overcome Digital Demands in UK Policing

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Tackling the existing and future demand of a digital world in UK policing was the focus of debate as KBR outlined its world-leading capabilities to support this work at recent high-profile events.

Reinforcing its established links with UK Policing, KBR was the principal sponsor of an inaugural Digital Forensics event in London. The Cityforum Round Table brought together key leadership from across the sector, including police chiefs and Government officials, to discuss the current landscape and challenges to overcome.

Addressing delegates alongside colleagues from our Government Solutions (GS) EMEA business, Tim Barber, Sr. Director, Advisory Services, outlined how a whole system approach is required to make innovation count. Barber said, “Advances in technology never cease to push the boundaries of what we believe to be possible. But this innovation must be matched by the business model needed to deliver it.”

Through our work on the UK Transforming Forensics Programme, KBR is designing and implementing solutions to effectively network forensic capabilities and deliver high-quality, specialist services – allowing the sharing of knowledge and improving resilience, efficiency and quality across UK law enforcement.

The event came shortly after KBR had the opportunity to further outline how it is building its capabilities to support on-going change across UK policing. As sponsors of the British Association for Women in Policing (BAWP) Awards, and it’s associated Professional Development Days, members of the GS Advisory team presented to senior leaders, including the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.

As well as outlining KBR's capabilities to support transformational change, the event was an opportunity to promote the organization's support for employees working in the sector in a voluntary basis as Special Constables and more, through KBR's Employer Supported Policing Scheme.

Barber, who presented the Special Recognition Award on the night, said, “KBR has a long and proud history of working with the public sector and UK Government to transform the delivery of public services. We pride ourselves on being a trusted partner of choice and in supporting our own dedicated employees that volunteer their time to give something back to their communities.”

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