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KBR Employee Walks One Million Steps in Honor of Armistice Day

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Geddes pictured with members of the OSS Kandahar team in Afghanistan
KBR employee Sarah Geddes completed the Hundred Step Challenge by walking one million steps in just 67 days.
KBR Employee Walks One Million Steps in Honor of Armistice Day

​On November 11, 1918, the Allied Powers and Central Powers signed an armistice effectively ending all military operations and hostilities on the Western Front of World War I. Armistice Day is observed by countries around the world; however, one KBR employee in particular went the extra mile to mark its centennial anniversary.

KBR employee Sarah Geddes, Traffic Management Office (TMO) Manager stationed in Afghanistan, recently completed one million steps in remembrance of the 1,070,000 Allied casualties in the 100 day offensive leading up to the signing of the armistice. Sarah took part in the Hundred Days Step Challenge which raised money and awareness for the SSAFA, formerly known as Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association. The charity provides lifelong support to serving men, women and veterans from the British Armed Forces and their families or dependents.

With the challenge commencing on August 8, 2018, most participants needed to average around 10,700 steps a day in order to reach completion by November 11. Sarah began each day at 4:30 AM and walked approximately 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) in and around the operational theatre of Kandahar, Afghanistan (KAF). Heightened security on campus made some days more difficult than others to get steps in. Despite these barriers, Sarah averaged a staggering 15,970 steps a day and completed the challenge in 67 days as the first among her peers who were also participating.

The Hundred Days Step Challenge raised money and awareness for SSAFA that supports current members and veterans of the British Armed Forces.
"I was happy to support SSAFA as much as I could during my time in the military," said Geddes. "I had used the SSAFA service for support during a difficult time balancing work and life commitments. They offered a confidential service, mediation and information on schooling for my son. I also know how the loss of life can affect family and friends. To remember those that gave so much meant a lot to me."

Sarah is an employee of Overseas Supply Services Ltd. (OSS), a KBR subsidiary, in Afghanistan that provides support for the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA). She continued, "The OSS Kandahar team were instrumental in keeping me going. I even managed to drag one of the Design and Engineering guys out with me for moral support!"  

KBR employees around the globe continue to support philanthropic initiatives of all kinds. We are proud of Sarah's efforts and join her and all of our employees' celebration of Armistice Day.

Sarah and other SSAFA volunteer members raised over £545 ($707.60 USD) for the charity.

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