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KBR Celebrates Fifth Annual Zero Harm Day Around the Globe

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Zero Harm Day 2020 - Dubai

KBR's fifth annual Zero Harm Day was celebrated by employees on February 19. Zero Harm is KBR’s company-wide commitment to being incident-free at every office and project site across the organization as well as in our own homes. KBR strives to foster a safety culture through this annual celebration by both recognizing individual and group safety accomplishments as well as reflecting on how people can improve on safety in their daily lives.

“Thank you to everyone across the global KBR organization who made this year’s Zero Harm Day a huge success,” said Nick Anagnostou, KBR Vice President, HSSE. “In 2019 we saw outstanding safety improvements throughout the company, including two completely incident-free months. I am extremely proud of our employees’ commitment to Zero Harm in 2019 and look forward to continuing our strong momentum in 2020.”

KBR offices and project sites in more than 20 countries held their own unique safety-themed events and activities. From talent shows and group yoga to barbeques and jellybean challenges, KBR employees got creative in showing their Zero Harm pride. Many offices brought in local vendors and partners to provide safety and wellness education to go along with this year’s theme – Situational Awareness – and how to improve on being cognizant of one’s surroundings in today’s fast-paced world. In addition, offices signed Zero Harm commitment banners and displayed them throughout their offices.

To see more images from celebrations around the world please visit our Zero Harm Day 2020 Facebook album.

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