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Baku, Chennai Offices Launch New IMPACT Chapters

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IMPACT Chennai selfie
IMPACT Baku Boardroom
IMPACT Chennai L&L
IMPACT Baku Group Picture

IMPACT is KBR’s internal employee organization for young professionals and provides a platform for a its members to kick-start their careers and put them on the path to becoming the future leaders at KBR. IMPACT was originally founded in 2001 as a group of recent college graduates entering the company with zero to seven years of professional experience. Today, IMPACT has chapters in all corners of the world reflecting the diverse professional workforce at KBR. The organization continues to grow as we welcome IMPACT’s newest chapters at KBR offices in Chennai, India and Baku, Azerbaijan.

KBR young professionals in Chennai officially launched IMPACT earlier this summer and it has quickly become one of IMPACT’s most successful chapters. Last May, more than 65 young professionals hosted an office launch party to mark the occasion with cake, games and a briefing on the chapter’s mission on and vision. Shortly thereafter, the new Board of Directors and Committee members were announced, and the group hit the ground running with planning events and implementing its career development agenda.

IMPACT Chennai is in the business of building leaders and the chapter’s career development sessions offer a great opportunity for members to learn how to further advance their leadership capabilities. These sessions often feature KBR executives and company leaders who talk about the company and their experiences in the professional world. Each session creates a platform for members to initiate, participate, network and improve on their leadership and communication skills.  In addition to leadership development, IMPACT Chennai regularly hosts networking events outside the office to establish camaraderie among coworkers and chances to learn more about one’s colleagues.

IMPACT Baku also began operations this summer. Since its launch, IMPACT Baku has been providing its members with opportunities to learn more about KBR. As part of the group’s professional development initiative, IMPACT Baku began to host regular Lunch and Learn sessions presented by KBR working professionals and its vendors. The sessions have become so popular that they have inspired some members to give Presentation Skills Trainings of their own. In addition, the chapter also plays a significant role in graduate development and promoting SOCAR-KBR in local universities in Baku. 

“The flow of new talent into KBR is the lifeblood of our continued growth, innovation and success,” said Bob Newhouse, KBR Vice President, Talent Development. “With over a dozen chapters globally and hundreds of members, our IMPACT groups connect the fresh perspectives, energy and diversity of thought of our young professionals to the important mission of KBR. The contributions our IMPACT members make every day build the foundation for exciting careers, delivering outstanding results for our customers. We’re excited to welcome Baku and Chennai into the IMPACT family.”

As the next generation of leaders of the company, KBR remains committed to the personal and professional development of our young professionals around the world.

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