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Get to Know: Austin Lankford

Austin Lankford

Associate Project Controls Specialist

Integrated Solutions – Americas
Texas, United States

People like Austin Lankford have been central to KBR’s decades-long success as a provider of high-end, strategic engineering solutions. In his role, Austin helps ensure major capital projects are executed on time and within budget. He and his teammates work closely with project leadership, providing insightful data, quick thinking and problem-solving skills that help leadership make decisions that best align with the project’s cost, schedule and productivity goals.

Austin finds using his skills to contribute to a project’s success rewarding. But his involvement on one project in 2020 carries special significance.

“I worked hand in hand with a project management team to develop a strategy to safely execute a project during the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic shock,” Austin said. “The plan we developed was agreed upon, and not only did it help KBR and the customer successfully complete a major project, but it also helped create and maintain jobs for hundreds of employees through the worst period of unemployment in U.S. history.”

Since beginning his journey at KBR, Austin has appreciated numerous aspects of KBR’s culture, including the company’s Zero Harm commitment to safety. But the thing that stands out most to him is the value that KBR places on its people.

“I have always felt that my contributions and opinions are valued and acknowledged,” he said. “I have never been dismissed or ignored, and that makes a huge difference in my work and in the working environment. I truly feel respected as a peer by those at my level and by those above me in the organization.”

Outside of work, Austin likes to be, well, outside. He is an avid outdoorsman and enjoys hunting and fishing in locations across the state of Texas.

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