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Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) Summit & Expo

18 Sep 2023 - 19 Sep 2023

Atlanta, Georgia

KBR is exhibiting at this year’s MOSA Summit and Expo, the leading educational, professional development and networking event in the defense community. KBR is poised to partner with the defense community to meet the global challenge. We invite you to visit us at booth 331 to learn more about KBR’s MOSA strategy. 

KBR: The Team Behind the MissionSM 

At KBR, we're committed to pushing the boundaries of technological advancement. A testament to this is our embracing of the Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) - a strategy that is redefining how we conceptualize and create future technologies. This approach emphasizes innovation, adaptability and efficiency. 

KBR is positioned to provide solutions for current technical challenges. Traditional aviation platforms with system-specific architecture implementations, proprietary interfaces, coupled software and hardware, inconsistent modularization, cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and other issues have long posed barriers to efficient technological advancement. With MOSA, we are paving the way for overcoming these challenges, thereby increasing affordability, readiness, enhancing capabilities, reducing schedule pressures and mitigating supply chain risk. 

MOSA is not just a "plug and play" system. It necessitates a deep understanding of platform integration activities and fosters an environment that promotes the swift adoption of new functionalities. By pinpointing crucial interfaces and seamlessly merging various vendor technologies, MOSA guarantees that our systems are adaptable and primed for integration with the current fleet and future platforms. 

As part of our MOSA strategy, we strongly emphasize conformance planning and validation, ensuring that our program requirements, designs and other acquisition information align with our MOSA objectives. While FACE is an enabling technology, it is not synonymous with MOSA. Instead, it forms part of our overarching strategy for designing upfront with reuse as a strategy and not just an outcome. 

To support this, KBR utilizes modeling, cybersecurity, test and evaluation, and program management tools. With the help of these tools and our strategic partnerships with industry suppliers and vendors, we ensure seamless integration and pre-production environments, fostering a platform-agnostic, functional and logical architecture.  

KBR's robust capabilities in Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Agile DevSecOps software development are instrumental in facilitating our digital transformation efforts. Our KBR Digital Backbone SIL operates as a third-party platform, enabling the integration of new technologies into the PEO-AVN ecosystem.  

Join us on our journey with MOSA. Embrace the spirit of "openness," where adaptability and progress walk hand in hand with innovation. Welcome to KBR's MOSA Integration - shaping the future of technology. 

For more information about KBR's capabilities, contact:  

Dale Pacwa, KBR Government Solutions U.S. |  [email protected] 

Tara Shifflett, KBR Government Solutions U.S. |  [email protected] 


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