One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS)
Key Personnel
Ellen Wesel
Corporate OASIS SB & UR Program Manager (COPM)
[email protected]
Grace Podoll
[email protected]
DUNS Number: 14-038-9763
Contract Information
Oasis Overview
One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services—Unrestricted (OASIS Unrestricted) is a family of seven best-in-class (BIC), multiple-award, government-wide acquisition contracts (GWAC) or pools. Each pool specializes in a different set of complex professional services. Any government agency can use the OASIS pools to release solicitations as task orders to a preselected set of contract winners. General Services Administration (GSA) OASIS’s broad topic areas and flexible contracting has resulted in over $32B in obligated sales by early 2021. These professional services areas of expertise include engineering, science, research and development, integration, operations, logistics, and program management. OASIS is designed to support all mission spaces of the US federal government.
Task orders are solicited, awarded, and administered by an ordering contracting officer (OCO). OCOs are duly warranted federal contracting officers who have received a Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA) from the OASIS contracting officer. OCOs are the sole government points of contact for their particular task orders.
LinQuest is a prime contractor on four OASIS unrestricted contracts (pools). LinQuest has contracts in Pools 1, 3, 4, and 5b. Pool 1 is associated with North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code 541330, Engineering Services; 541380, Testing Laboratories; 541611, Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services; 541618, Other Management Consulting Services; 541690, Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services; and 541990, All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services. Pool 3 is associated with NAICS Code 541330 Exception A, Engineering for Military and Aerospace Equipment and Military Weapons; 541330 Exception B, Engineering for Contracts and Subcontracts for Engineering Services Awarded Under the National Energy Policy Act of 1992; and 541330 Exception C, Engineering for Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture. Pool 4 is associated with NAICS Code 541711, Research and Development in Biotechnology; and 541712, Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences. Pool 5b is associated with NAICS 541712 Exception C, Research and Development in Space Vehicles and Guided Missiles, their Propulsion Units, their Propulsion Units Parts, and their Auxiliary Equipment and Parts. OASIS is a five-year contract. Task orders must be solicited and awarded prior to the OASIS term expiring and may extend up to five years after the OASIS term expires. Contract types include cost reimbursable, fixed price, time and material, labor hours, or a combination thereof. There is no ceiling limit on the vehicle.
OASIS Contractor Core Disciplines and Associated Capabilities
Program Management
- Acquisition Support
- Configuration Management
- Cost/Schedule/Performance Analysis
- Program Management
- Joint Capabilities Integration and Development (JCIDS)
- Requirements Management
- Decision Analysis
- Technical Planning
- Technical Assessment
- Technical Data Management
- Intelligence Analysis
- Threat Analysis
- Knowledge-Based Acquisition
- Risk Assessment and Mitigation
- Risk Management
Management Consulting
- Change Management
- Concept Development and Requirements Analysis
- Strategy Development
- Tactical/Strategic Planning
- Technical Advisory Services
- Cost/Schedule/Performance Improvement
- Engineering Sciences
- Decision Support Services
- Systems Engineering
- Architecture Development and Evaluation
- Communications Engineering
- Configuration Management
- Concept Development
- Data Analytics
- Electrical Engineering
- Independent Verification and Validation
- Integration
- Launch Integration and Support
- Modeling and Simulation
- Lifecycle Management
- Operation and Maintenance
- Quality Assurance
- Requirements Analysis
- Software Development
- System Integration
- Test and Evaluation
- Technical Documentation
- Technical Planning
- Analysis and Recommendation of Support Equipment
- Lifecycle Sustainment
- Security
- Test Range Support
- Integrated Logistics Support
- Budget Analysis
- Cost Estimating and Analytical Support
- Lifecycle Cost Determination
OASIS Unrestricted (UR) is a family of seven separate government-wide, multiple award, indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (MA IDIQ) task order contracts administered under the authority of the US General Services Administration (GSA) by local contracting officers, known as ordering contracting officers (OCO). OASIS UR contracts are designed to provide the best value services for the following complex professional service requirements:
- Span multiple professional service disciplines
- Contain significant IT components, but are not IT requirements in and of themselves
- Contain Ancillary Support components, commonly referred to as other direct costs (ODC)
- Require flexibility for all contract types at the task order level, including cost reimbursement
- Can be one service or a combination of the above
Agencies can buy professional services, such as management and consulting, engineering, logistics, and financial services. Cutting across each of the core disciplines are eight lifecycle phases where agencies may need professional services support, such as requirements analysis, concept development, planning, acquisition, research and development, test and evaluation, implementation, and operations and maintenance. OASIS UR includes several notable features and benefits:
- Government-wide use
- Access to best-in-class solution providers
- On-ramp/off-ramp procedures to ensure a flexible, vibrant vendor pool
- Integrated support for key government initiatives
LinQuest Corporation is a prime contractor in four of the seven OASIS UR pools (contracts): Pool 1, Pool 3, Pool 4, and Pool 5B. Details of each pool (contract) are located at the associated links.
- GSA-OASIS UR Pool 1 Conformed Contract Thru PS-A864 2023.10.23
- GSA-OASIS UR Pool 3 Conformed Contract Thru PS-A864 2023.10.23
- GSA-OASIS UR Pool 4 Conformed Contract Thru PS-A864 2023.10.23
- GSA-OASIS UR Pool 5B Conformed Contract Thru PS-A864 2023.10.23