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Valuing Diversity and Inclusion at KBR

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At KBR, we value our people and the diversity each employee brings to the workplace.  Employees have helped foster the company's culture of diversity by creating resource groups and networks to promote inclusion throughout the organization.

KBR engineer Mark McBride-Wright has taken an active role in creating a more inclusive industry for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) engineers at KBR and beyond by founding InterEngineering, an inclusive organization supporting and advocating for LGBT diversity within engineering. In recognition for his efforts regarding workplace inclusion, McBride-Wright was ranked number two in the 2015 Financial Times Top 30 Future LGBT Leaders and he recently won the coveted "Corporate Rising Star" at the 2016 British LGBT Awards.

KBR's Mark McBride-Wright recently won the Corporate Rising Star Award at the 2016 British LGBT Ceremony

McBride-Wright is passionate about working to promote workplace inclusion in order to increase business productivity and provide a healthy working environment for all employees. In addition to helping provide better resources for LGBT engineers at KBR and across the industry, McBride-Wright has been active in helping promote diversity through a collaborative community for the benefit of all employees at KBR, including participating in ASPIRE, a KBR employee group with the mission of cultivating women leaders. McBride-Wright is also working with KBR's HR department and a team of company leaders and stakeholders to create a global inclusion strategy for the company.

House of Commons Reception for InterEngineering Report

"At KBR we are committed to workplace inclusion and Mark has been a tremendous help as we find new and better ways to support our diverse workforce," said Wesley Vestal, KBR's Vice President of Talent Development. Vestal went on to explain the benefits of diversity and inclusion to an organization can result in improving financial performance, leveraging talent, reflecting the marketplace, building reputation and increasing innovation and group performance.

"I personally have found KBR a very welcoming place to work and the KBR executive team values diversity in our organization," said McBride-Wright. "When we have role models to look up to and we can form trusting relationships and feel included, we can better channel our energy into our work and increase our productivity, unleashing the creativity, innovation and positivity required to be successful and credible leaders," McBride-Wright said.

KBR's Mark McBride-Wright with Mel B, Duncan James and Daniel Winterfeldt

KBR supports diversity and inclusion in the workplace and fosters those principals through the culture of Zero Harm, One KBR values, and an executive team committed to these values. We applaud Mark for his leadership and commitment to making KBR a great place to work for all people.

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