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KBR’s Stuart Bradie Recognizes Employees for HSSE Excellence

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Mark Richards has made tremendous contributions to health and safety for the past three years, epitomizing KBR’s core values and our Zero Harm 24/7 culture.
In 2019, the LOGCAP IV – Task Order 0009 team worked 2.3 million work hours without a recordable incident, increasing their cumulative total to 3.9 million work hours over 644 consecutive days.
The ExxonMobil BLADE Project team have implemented KBR’s proven Safety Energy Program and combined that methodology with solutions that keep employees and the community safe, recording zero lost time incidents since 2018.

KBR President and CEO Stuart Bradie recently announced the winners of the 2019 KBR CEO Award for Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) Excellence. This award is given to individuals or groups who exemplify outstanding HSSE leadership and overall performance and personify the Zero Harm mindset rooted in the foundation of KBR’s company culture. Award nominees were selected by Business Unit Presidents and submitted to Bradie for consideration.

Congratulations to these winners on their outstanding efforts.

KBR’s Mark Richards, Contract Manager, Government Services EMEA, was the first recipient of this year’s KBR CEO Award for HSSE Excellence. Located at the British Embassy in Mogadishu, Somalia, Mark has made tremendous contributions to health and safety for the past three years. His dedication, leadership and passion for safety set him apart from his peers. Mark is held in high esteem by his employees, managers and our clients, epitomizing KBR’s core values and our Zero Harm 24/7 culture.

“Mark’s actions and commitment to KBR’s Zero Harm culture makes him extremely deserving of this award,” said Andrew Barrie, KBR President, Government Solutions EMEA. “Even as one individual, his actions have a tremendous impact on our business and to our Zero Harm program as a whole. I want to offer my thanks and congratulations to Mark for his contributions. We in GS EMEA are very proud to have one of our own win this award for the second year running!”

The next winner of this year’s award is the Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP) IV – Task Order 0009 team. Based in the Arabian Peninsula, Task Order 0009 is comprised of approximately 700 professionals represented by 17 nationalities working in two different countries (Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates), and even with all the distance and diversity they embody a Zero Harm culture. In 2019, they worked 2.3 million work hours without a recordable incident, increasing their cumulative total to 3.9 million work hours over 644 consecutive days in one of the harshest environments in the world.

The final winner of the award is the ExxonMobil BLADE Project team based in Beaumont, Texas. These KBR employees have brought their unwavering commitment to Zero Harm to the BLADE project at ExxonMobil’s Beaumont refinery, which upon project completion will be the largest in the United States. They have implemented KBR’s proven Safety Energy Program and combined that methodology with solutions that keep employees and the community safe. Since 2018, there have been zero recordable incidents.

“We are very proud of the safety accomplishments by both the Task Order 0009 and BLADE Project,” said Nick Anagnostou, KBR Vice President, HSSE. “Their work demonstrates the key principles of Zero Harm and their actions and attention to safety procedures are habits that we should all imitate. Congratulations!”

“I am honored to present the KBR CEO Award for HSSE Excellence to this year’s winners for their contributions, leadership and commitment to Zero Harm,” said Bradie. “Each winner – group or individual – has shown what it truly means to uphold Zero Harm for themselves, their coworkers and the environment around them. Please join me in congratulating our winners and all nominees.”

Congratulations also to all KBR’s nominees for this year’s award:

  • Joe Bates, ExxonMobil BLADE Project, Beaumont, Texas
  • Mitchel Burt and Arnold Edwards, KBR Test Facility, Lubbock Texas
  • Ryan Crossan, ExxonMobil BLADE Project, Beaumont, Texas
  • Cheryl Davis, LOGCAP IV, Al Asad Airbase, Iraq
  • Raymond De Haast, LOGCAP IV, Erbil Iraq
  • Wiley Fletcher, LOGCAP IV – Site K, Turkey
  • Anthony Frazier, Naval Air Warfare Center, Patuxent River, Maryland
  • Ylber Momcilla, LOGCAP IV – Q-West, Iraq
  • Thomas Rogers, C4, Patuxent River, Maryland
  • Kristy Thompson, Multi-mission Datalink System, Everett, Washington
  • Fleet Forces Atlantic Exercise Coordination Center and Defense Systems Technical Area, Virginia Beach, Virginia
  • LOGCAP IV, Al Asad City Services, Iraq
  • LOGCAP IV, Al Asad Fuel Department, Iraq
  • LOGCAP IV, Camp Taji Airfield Operations, Iraq
  • LOGCAP IV, EU-13, Kosovo
  • LOGCAP IV, EU-14, Romania
  • LOGCAP IV, Site K, Turkey
  • Methanex Project, Geismar, Louisiana
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