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KBR Receives High Marks on ASME Audit

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_As a company that provides professional services through the full life cycle of hydrocarbons assets, it's imperative that KBR maintain the highest industry standards to deliver quality results for our customers. In areas like engineering and craft work, KBR undergoes an intensive joint review process led by the American Society Mechanical Engineers (ASME) every three years.

The review process is comprised of a thorough audit by an authorized ASME member, The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (NBIC) representative, a Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) representative, and the Authorized Jurisdictional Inspector (AI) and their supervisor. The audit covers KBR's ASME Quality Control Systems Manual and includes an actual demonstration of an in-process pressure vessel under construction.

KBR underwent the audit in October and the team received high marks with zero findings and was recommended for renewal of our ASME and National Board Certificates of Authorization. KBR received its first ASME Certificate in 1950 which is a testament to the company's commitment to excellence for over 65 years.

The joint review is a huge undertaking for our team and requires a lot of time and effort for everyone involved," said Michael Day, Vice President of Construction. "We begin planning months in advance and even construct the demonstration vessel used for the audit. Our team comes together from various project and offices sites to accomplish this important task and I'm very proud of the outcome of this review."

This audit process was successful with the help of a large cross functional support team including representatives from Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Quality, Office of the Chief Engineer, and Welding Technology.

"The results of this audit serve as an example of the One KBR spirit we embody as a team and a company," said Farhan Mujib, President, Hydrocarbons Services Americas. "These credentials help establish us as an industry leader and affirms our commitment to quality and excellence for our customers."

(left to right) Kyle Wilson (Pipefitter), Terry Tuggle (KBR Construction Quality), and Jason Holder (Welder) played pivotal roles in the ASME Joint Review demonstration."

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