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KBR Celebrates Safety at Second Annual Zero Harm Day

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From Houston to Doha, KBR employees all over the world celebrated the second annual Zero Harm Day on February 23. Zero Harm is the model for KBR's safety culture and this annual event provides an opportunity to recognize improvements in KBR's safety performance, reflect on the importance of being an incident free organization, and focus on ways to maintain and improve upon personal and workplace safety practices. This year's Zero Harm Day theme was a day of Recognition, Reflection and Focus.

KBR employees in Yuma, Arizona proudly display their Zero Harm banner.

"In the last four months, I've traveled to KBR sites and offices all around the world—I was in Saudi Arabia in December, then onto London, Abu Dhabi, and Australia in January, and recently in Erbil and KBRwyle offices in California and Jacksonville, Florida—and everywhere I've gone, the visibility and passion for Zero Harm is all there," said Stuart Bradie, KBR President and CEO in his remarks at the Zero Harm Day event in Houston. "Zero Harm is now totally ingrained in our culture, people talk about it, and it's at the forefront of everything we do no matter where you are in the world. As a result, we are working more safely, our incident has vastly improved, and we are closer to our goal of Zero Harm," Bradie continued.

Employees at KBR's Site K in Turkey were recognized for their safety achievements during a special site meeting for Zero Harm Day.

At KBR headquarters in Houston, the local Police Department and Fire Department joined the festivities to provide educational safety activities and demonstrations. The Houston Fire Department also unveiled a KBR sponsored 'Zero Harm' vehicle at the event which was purchased with a donation made to the Houston Fire Department by KBR's annual charity golf tournament. The vehicle will be used five days a week by Houston firefighters, visiting at-risk local neighborhoods to install smoke detectors in homes. KBR is proud to have a strong and longstanding partnership with the Houston Fire Department and looks forward to continuing its partnership with them towards the shared vision that Zero Harm is achievable.

Houston Fire Department unveils the KBR sponsored 'Zero Harm' vehicle as KBR CEO Stuart Bradie looks on.

Around the world in Doha, Qatar the KBR team celebrated the annual event with local vendors and partners offering health check-ups, nutrition samples and education, and a review of safety gear in cars.  The car safety theme, emphasizing the importance of safety belts should an accident occur, tied into the major roadway project the local team is focused, the Doha Expressway Programme.

David O'Reilly, Vice President, Government Services in Doha summed up the achievements of the team saying, "We have nearly 53,000 workers building the Qatar Expressway Programme – one of the largest transportation infrastructure programs in the world. Today, we are pleased to announce that we have achieved an impressive safety milestone of 24,332,256 man hours without a Lost Time Incident. As we reflect on Zero Harm on our annual Hero Harm day, we encourage the global KBR team to continue to live and act on the genuine belief that zero incidents is achievable." In the Leatherhead, UK office, presentations raised awareness of current terrorism and crime issues, how to take action in a terrorist event and the importance of reporting suspicious activity and behavior. In addition, the office hosted a children's drawings contest with a health and safety theme.

KBR's Leatherhead office hosted a drawing contest for children of employees emphasizing safety at home.

More than 40 KBRwyle offices across the U.S. held ceremonies to sign Zero Harm banners which are large, visible testaments to each employee's commitment to safety. These banners will be prominently displayed for employees, customers and clients to see throughout the KBRwyle offices in California, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma and Texas.

KBRwyle employees in Ridgecrest, California display their Zero Harm Day banner recognizing the annual safety day.

KBRwyle's Pete Green makes a personal commitment to safety by signing a Zero Harm banner.

Throughout KBR, individuals, teams and sites were presented awards for their role in the company's improved safety record over the past twelve months and the many safety related accomplishments across the organization. Each safety accomplishment serves as a powerful reminder that every employee can make a real difference towards the goal of Zero Harm and this annual event serves as an important reminder that the safety of our people is why we each work towards that goal.

Ylber Beqiri was presented with a Coin of Zero Harm Excellence at Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo for outstanding commitment to establishing a Zero Harm environment.

For more images please visit ourKBR Global Zero Harm Day 2017 Facebook Album.

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