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Get to Know: Satish Baliga

Satish Baliga

Chief Technical Advisor – KBR INSITE®

Technology-Led Industrial Solutions
Texas, United States

Since joining KBR seven years ago, Satish has witnessed KBR transform from a traditional engineering company to a world leader in digital transformation and sustainability solutions that is reshaping the way businesses serve their networks of customers. One of the prime examples of KBR’s digitalization expertise is the KBR INSITE plant performance monitoring and advisory service program, which Satish leads. Through the cloud-hosted INSITE platform, Satish’s teams collect operating data from customers’ plants and use it to proactively track and diagnose equipment health and process information. They then provide timely recommendations that improve uptime and production efficiency.

Satish’s favorite thing about his role is helping customers “make more from less” and achieve tangible benefits year on year. On a personal level, Satish feels like he’s learning something new every day from his peers, mentors and technology partners — whether it’s a new process technology, a cutting-edge data analytics tool, or an effective team-management technique.

“There’s a sense of urgency and encouragement that drives everyone here to do better every single day,” Satish said. “I feel very proud and fortunate to lead a talented and dedicated team of engineers who constantly go above and beyond.”

Another change Satish has seen is a strengthening of KBR’s people-centered culture, through which the ONE KBR Values and the importance of equality, diversity and integrity have been engrained in our company DNA. But it is the concept of ONE KBR — the idea that we are a team of teams — that resonates most deeply with Satish.

“A successful collaboration is about leveraging our collective strengths and compensating for individual weaknesses,” he said. “It’s exciting to be a part of a culture where people take collective ownership of initiatives, where people are encouraged to think freely, and where people are empowered to contribute. This is a catalyst for growth and a recipe for long-term success.”

Learn more about the work Satish and his team are doing with KBR INSITE and how our customers are winning as a result.

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