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Gulf Intelligence “GLOBAL” UAE Energy Forum 2021

13 Jan 2021

The “Global” UAE Energy Forum has established itself after 10 years as the signature thought leadership event hosted in Abu Dhabi at the start of each year for those tasked with leading the Middle East energy industry, with an annual theme focused on exploring the Outlook for the issues and trends that are likely to impact the international energy industry over the coming 12 months.

For the 11th edition of the Forum, the “Global” UAE Energy Forum are navigating the unique circumstances posed by the Covid-19 pandemic to produce a truly global event. The 2021 theme will be ‘ Energy Outlook 2021: Moving Beyond the Pandemic?’. Over the duration of the day, Asia, Middle East, Europe and the US will each be hosting 4 sessions; a Macro-Economic Lecture, an Energy Markets Panel, an Energy Industry Roundtable and a Feature Interview and are providing secure on-the-ground real-time perspectives on the critical issues shaping the Outlook for Energy in 2021.

KBR Consulting’s Lead Economist Valentina Dedi is featuring in the Europe section of the event. Valentina will be participating as one of the four speakers on the Energy Industry Roundtable discussing ‘Outlook for Global Oil & Supply & Demand Balance in 2021; A Perspective From Europe’.

If you are interested in attending the complimentary event, you can sign up here.

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